$hame and blame are not part of your $ervice$ rendered.
Let’s put the FUN
in FUNancial!
I’m here to help you untangle those nasty money anxieties and habits with the tools needed to take your busine$$ and personal life where you want and need it to go.
Do you fu*king hate looking at your numbers?
So you'll do anything like...
Throw money at the latest course, hoping this FINALLY moves the needle. While wracking up credit card debt like there’s no tomorrow. Telling yourself that you’ll deal with it after your next payment. Not realizing that you are stuck in a vicious cycle.
Meanwhile, your personal life is thrown out of balance...
Maybe your partner’s asking where are the profits. And there’re just too many days when the guilt of doing anything other than working on your business overshadows the precious time with yourself and your loved ones.
So you swing--from spending outrageously to not feeling like you can afford *anything*
Your financial decisions become based purely on how you feel in the moment. You’re scared if you don’t take into account those feelings, then your money will fly totally out of control.
Women only account for 15% of The Forbes 400.
Let’s UP this stat, today! The more YOU make, the more quickly this needle moves for all women.
I’m olivia, founder of Land in the Net, and I’m here to hold you through this process
I created Land in the Net because we all deserve to be caught in a supportive net. (And, like, I flew on the trapeze in the circus, so I even want you to get to bounce and play in that net, too!)
It’s my honor to help you transform any stress or confusion about your money into financial confidence.
This is not just about numbers on a spreadsheet (although we'll address those practical matters, and even make them fun).
As the daughter of two dancers, I have always worked and played with embodiment: whether dancing onstage, flying on the trapeze, or helping clients really feel in their bodies the abundance around them.
Using my customized somatic tools, together we’ll set up a system so you can SEE your numbers backing you up, without having a panic attack or feeling like your nervous system has to shut down.
Your next steps
Step 1
Book a FREE call to get my expert eyes on where to start: your personal, family, or business finances.
Step 2
Check in with your body, your pu$$y, and your spirit, to see if you are truly ready to handle your money with ease, calm, and FUN.
Step 3
Get honest with your money. This is the first step of FUNancial clarity. Are you truly in a position to save $$ with the Pay in Full option, or are monthly installments the most grounded plan? (hint: now you finally have a coach to help you get the answer!)
What you’ll get…
*6 (six!) 1:1 deep-dive 90-min calls with me every month.
--These will cover learning and integrating new habits, getting crystal clear on your current financial options as well as the future you're creating.
--We'll spiral through all your personal and business finances, so that their relationship is Clear and Fun.
*Your own do-able & repeatable customized FUNancial system for all your money.
*A complete roadmap of where your money will go, according to YOUR values and desires.
*Three extended quarterly review sessions.
*Tools you'll use for life, covering:
saving for fun AND not-fun expenses
how to allocate unexpected windfalls
paying taxes well in advance
*Access to my private Flirty Finances community with other brave money geniu$es who cheer you on, inspire you with their own money work, and love you up when you're stuck.
You'll uncover every money habit you didn't even know you had, while re-formatting your neuropathways to create and keep the habits you do want. As you manage your money over the coming years, you won't even recognize the way you used to feel blind or in panic about your money.
Year-long PLUS: This is where the Deep Dive program is different from other coaching.
You get 14 full months of being held with outrageously unconditional love, support, and guidance.
Why 14 months? One year of new money habits flies back FAST! These 2 bonus months are a chance for you
to really feel how far you've come
to feel the earth's cycles integrated in your own learning and growing
to return to that spot in the solar system, and feel how you're moving through differently!
Scheduling will be set according to your convenience and your REAL ACTUAL LIFE. We'll adjust when you're on vacation, when family stuff comes up, and when you need more.
If you've tried everything else, believing the lie that you "should" be able to do this on your own, and it's just NOT WORKING, you have a choice now.
You can choose to step into a space where I WILL BE SO INVESTED IN YOU, that there will be no room for you to hide or kid yourself.
You can choose to pay the $14,000 in monthly installments, after an initial $2,000 deposit.
You can choose to save $2,000 by paying $12,000 in full upfront.
You'll end up with a life where every choice of yours feels grounded financially.
You'll transform yourself into She who TRUSTS--herself, her money, and those around her.
Or you could keep doing what you’re doing…
Holding still and just hoping it’ll all go away.
Pretending you can live a flourishing life by not looking at your money.
Believing the Prince Charming fairy tale that “it’ll all work out” if I just close my eyes.